Sunday, September 27, 2009


There was something I actually wanted to write about in my last post, rather than just a random rant about classes.  I plan to start a webcomic.

I'm a really big fan of webcomics, so I always thought it would be neat to write one.  But I had no idea if I would be any good at it or what I would write about.  Then I moved in with my roommate.

I knew her last year (we were in the same dorm), so we're good friends.  But this semester, she just has a lot more drama in her life.  Some of it is tragicomic.  It's horrible for her (and I do feel bad for her), but it would be funny if it were happening to fictional characters.  So I've decided to use that.  (She has given me permission, so long as I agree to change the names.)

I still wasn't sure if I would be able to keep coming up with plotlines and ideas for new comics.  So I've decided to not publish it until I have prepared a good quantity of strips, so that I won't disappoint readers if I don't have new ideas for a while, since I'll be updating prewritten ones.

I've been brainstorming, and I'm really excited.  The fact that it's reality-based, though not necessarily reality-exact, is really promising.  I tend to have lots of ideas about my life, like "Wouldn't it be cool (or weird or sometimes horrible) if this happened?"  And they're often rather involved situations.  This webcomic will give me a perfect outlet for them so they don't just roam around inside my head.  Hopefully people won't see them and think I'm absolutely insane and try to commit me to an insane asylum.  I mean, webcomic artists are supposed to be a little crazy, right?  Right??

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