Thursday, September 10, 2009


People I know need to stop getting married and engaged.

I just found out that a friend of mine is engaged.  I knew she was dating someone seriously, but I had no idea it was that serious.  She's about three months younger than me.  And she doesn't even go to my school.

Ok, that sounds like a bit of a non sequitur (oh, who am I kidding, a huge one), but my school has an extreme culture of marriage.  Case in point:  I lived in the dorms last year (my freshman year).  On the first floor (about 80 girls), one girl got engaged.  We were behind all the other floors.  And these are 18 to 19 year olds.

It's a bit sickening.  Because I know a lot of married people.

In retrospect, not that many of my friends are engaged/married, and I know plenty of people older than me that are not married yet.  But it's times like these that I realize the high percentage that I do know.  And it kinda makes me feel a little inferior or self-conscious (neither of which is the right word, but I can't think of it now), since I've only been on dates with 4 guys.

Granted, one of those is very serious, and quite possibly the man I'm going to marry.  I guess you only really need to have one boyfriend in your life, as long as he's the perfect one.  It's just kinda hard not to feel a fleeting "I'm going to die alone with 27 cats" type of feeling when someone you know takes that step.  There's one less man out there.

Although that's like feeling that if someone eats an apple, you're not going to get one.  Totally illogical.  But that's how feelings often are.  And even when you know that things are totally different from the way you feel, it's hard to stop feeling that way.  At least for me.  But I suppose that's part of life.  We can't all be Vulcans.  I have to figure out this whole emotion vs. logic thing.  Even when it drives me crazy.  I'll let you know if I make any breakthroughs on that front.

1 comment:

  1. hey becki...

    today i need to be a vulcan - that's a totally great idea! I need to be more logical and less emotional as a mother. sigh....

    yes... the entire marriage thing is a little bizarre at byu. sigh... but you've got it all right that it only takes one - if he's the right one.

    enjoy school and have a merry Christmas...

    sister heather smith :)
    p.s. found your blog on your facebook profile. gotta love that! :)
