Saturday, August 29, 2009


Yesterday I moved into my new apartment. Well, I still haven't fully moved in.  Or even at all.  Basically I've put my suitcases and boxes in my room.  But it's gone pretty well.

I drove 3 hours to get a cheaper ticket.  I got to the hotel at 12:30 am and didn't get to sleep till close to 2.  Then I had to get up at 5 for my 7 am flight.  (But it meant that I arrived in the early afternoon, so that's good.)  So not much sleep.

Security went really well.  There weren't too many people, since it was 6 am at a pretty small airport.

My first flight was a little less than an hour long.  We got in 10 minutes early, and the landing was so smooth that I didn't even notice when the wheels touched the ground, just when we started braking.  I had thought about sleeping on the plane, but I didn't.

I had about an hour layover before my next flight.  That one was longer, about 3 hours.  I did sleep then.  It was really nice because I was the only one on my row.  And we were half an hour early, so I only had to wait 10 minutes for my shuttle rather than 40.

Then I went to get all the stuff I had put in storage.  I had some huge boxes, and it filled up the car.  One of the huge boxes was full of books, and my friend and I could barely get it into the car.  So I got a random guy from the apartment complex to take it in for me.

After that, I mostly chillaxed, instead of unpacking like I probably should have.  I ate some of my friend's pizza (I have not bought any food yet) that was cooked in a partially functional oven, so the crust was crispy, but the topping was not totally cooked.  She finished it in the microwave.  But it was food, so it was good.

Then I got together with some of my friends from last year.  We had an amazing time.  It was possibly the best night of my life.  It also didn't hurt that we were nearly all punch-drunk from insanely little sleep.

So today I'm getting some more of my stuff from a friend who drove - all of my dvds, my printer, and my Star Trek glasses.  That's probably the thing I'm most excited for.  Although it will be nice to be able to watch movies again.

And I get to shop for food and unpack.  I'm more excited about one than the other.  Because shopping for food means I'll get to eat.  Which is an awesome idea.

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